Take More Time Off
I want to make more money this year.
There. I said it. Maybe that's a boring goal, but to me, money = freedom, options, flexibility, security, flow ✅✅✅.
So, I don’t feel guilty about it - in fact, when Elanne and I had our Strat Planning session in January, I would so excited and just generally pumped about all that we’re going to create this year.
And in that strat plan - along side plans to increase visibility, be more efficient with our ops, etc etc etc – is a line item that will probably surprise you:
Yep. Included in one of our strategic pillars is a line item for both of us to take time off every 3 or so months.
Why? Tbf, if we didn’t put this on paper, it wouldn’t happen. Ever.
…But whenever stuff goes in our strat plan, it gets DONE. Like, really well.
So, it’s happening. I’m in Mexico right now. I’m not sharing this to brag - lots of people go on hot vacays.
I am sharing this with you because I believe that you also need time away from your business in order to make more money this year.
When you’re constantly overwhelmed and stressed, your brain’s executive functions become harder to access.
What does it mean when you can’t fully access the executive function portion of your brain?
According to a study by Diamond (2013) in the Annual Review of Psychology, stress and lack of rest impair executive functions like working memory and cognitive flexibility.
For entrepreneurs, this can make it harder to prioritize tasks, make strategic decisions, and follow through on long-term goals, ultimately leading to inefficiency and missed opportunities.
Aka - you cannot see the big picture if you are constantly working. This means strategic opps are probably passing you by.
This also means you’re probably growing resentful of 5-figure payroll payments to your team every few weeks.
And you might even be starting to feel triggered when certain clients email you asking you to do your job because you’re just exhausted.
So I encourage you, First name / friend - figure out what your vacay personality is (5 long weekends per year, one 3-week vacay per year, etc etc), pick a budget and set aside time to plan a getaway.
It can be two weeks in Morocco or it could be a cozy Airbnb in Canmore. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but the point is that you 👏🏻 should 👏🏻 do 👏🏻 this 👏🏻.
And if you don’t, I’ll be honest and say that you probably won’t notice any immediate impacts on your P&L statement, but I guarantee you that the rubber will eventually start to hit the road.
Your team will start to wonder when they can talk to you because you always seem a little b*tchy.
You might start to waffle on decisions.
You might miss opportunities that are staring you in the face.
This kinda stuff starts showing up 6 - 18 months, mark my words.
So I encourage you - and me - to figure out what your vacay plans for this quarter are.
My plan is to take at least 1 week off. I’m in Tulum with my partner, Anthony, right now and we’ll visit our very good friend and overall entrepreneurial superstar, Erin.
Yes, I will have a couple meetings while I’m away.
Yes, I will check emails every-so-often.
But I will be almost completely offline aside from this.
So, that’s where my head’s at today- while being away.
Building a business that makes more money and gives me the freedom to step away when I need to—because, honestly, what’s the point of working this hard if we never get to enjoy it?
Take care and talk soon,