A love letter to myself (and you)

This past week-and-a-bit has been one of the hardest times for me in recent memory.  

I’ve shared on here before how I struggle with codependency and, unfortunately, that doesn’t make relationships easy for me to navigate at times.

I had a significant personal loss last week that I’m not quite ready to talk about… but suffice it to say that my heart hurts. 


Why might you care, friend? 


Well, one of my business’ values is vulnerability.


I believe that you and I get the best results in our businesses when we show up as our complete, weird, intelligent, vulnerable selves.  


But that does not mean the path to expansion or growth (or finding a life partner) is a smooth one.


It doesn’t mean we always enjoy the feelings that come along with expressing our needs or standards in our business (or relationships). 


And it certainly doesn’t mean that by being vulnerable, we’re in some weird tit-for-tat with the uni so that we get the specific results we think we deserve.


That is the hard part about growth: the standards, people, and offerings that once served your business (or your personal life) well, may no longer be part of your future reality. 


And that’s hard. 


In fact, that might feel impossible at times and you may find yourself crying randomly in airport departure lounges.


If growth is feeling challenging for you these days, friend, I see you. I’m right there with you.  


I don’t have some magical words of advice from the consulting world to share. I’m human - just like you - and I’m in it. 


But what I know for sure is that the growing pains of whatever you and I are facing will pass. 


We will get to the other side of this "upper limit" in time.  


And one day, I hope we can both look back on our challenging situations and smile with gratitude for all the sh*tty things that we’ve survived on our path to greatness.

With love,



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